Furniture design that loves you too.
Welcome. Here you’ll find Doug to curl up on, a Marshmallow to squish and Rufus you might like to spend the night with. You’re always welcome at our place, and we’re reasonably certain that soon you’ll want to invite us back to yours.
Ready to get acquainted?
Soulful, liveable furniture for modern interiors.
We design, develop and craft high-end furniture from our Melbourne studio and have done so for two generations.
Our furniture is built to outlast your grandkids and not end up in landfill. Every Harbro product is hand made to order, using high quality, locally sourced materials.
We offer an endless choice in fabrics, giving you the opportunity to create a piece that is truly unique.
Want to know more?
seeing our furniture in person is when you’ll really fall in love.
Make an appointment to visit our Melbourne showroom to run your fingers over the details in our work and give every single sofa the flop test.
Pip Edwards, Co-founder of PE Nation, Creative Director Ksubi